“ SELBSTPORTRAIT” (self-portrait) 1973 (photo taken with self timer)

„SPIEGELSAAL“ (self-portrait) 1973 (photo taken with self timer)

„REPTIL BLAU“ (self-portrait) 1975 (photo taken with self timer)

„REPTIL GRÜN“ (self-portrait) 1973 (photo taken with self timer)

„REPTIL ORANGE“ (self-portrait) 1975 (photo taken with self timer)

„LUZERN“ (self-portrait) 1973 (photo taken with self timer)

„DOG“ (self-portrait) 1981 (photo taken with self timer)

„INDIANER“ (self-portrait) 1982 (photo taken with self timer)

„JAPANISCHES SELBSTPORTRAIT“ (self-portrait) 1986 (photo taken with self timer)

„LUCILLE“ (self-portrait) 1973 (photo taken with self timer)

„JAPANISCHES SELBSTPORTRAIT“ (self-portrait) 1980 (photo taken with self timer)

„WACHSFIGURENKABINETT“ (self-portrait) 1976 (photo taken with self timer)



„GOLDENE SCHALLPLATTE“ (self-portrait) 1974 (photo taken with self timer) (part of a photo installation)

„SPIEGELSAAL“ and „VENISE BY NIGHT“ (self-portrait) 1973 (photo taken with self timer)

„REPTIL“ (self-portrait) 1975 (photo taken with self timer)

„SELF PORTRAITS“ (self-portrait) 1975 (photo taken with self timer)

Luciano und der Schwan, 1976

„LUCIANO UND DER SCHWAN“ (self-portrait) 1976 (photo taken with self timer)

“Auf rotem Sofa” (self-portrait) 1973 (photo taken with self timer)

Selbstportrait mit Boa, 1973

„SELBST PORTRAIT“ (self-portrait) 1979/80 (photo taken with self timer)

„SELBST PORTRAIT“ (self-portrait) 1976 (photo taken with self timer)

„TORSO“ 1996 (photo taken with self made camera)

„DAS EI DES BRANCUSI“ 1995 (photo taken with self made camera)

„XURUMBAMBO“ 1996 (photo taken with self made camera)

„XURUMBAMBO“ 1996 (photo taken with self made camera)

Visionen 2014

Visionen 2014

Visionen 2014